viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2017


To determinate the taste for food, we have the test buds. Where to so called gustatory buttons are for indentify teh flavors. For example, in the blue part are the bitter tastes, in the orange part, the sour flavors and the green part, salty flavours. In the tip of the tongue, sweet flavours.

In the tongue there are more types of papilas. For example, calciform papillas are receptors of sweet, acid and salty. 

Also, the lenticulars, which capture the bitter taste. 

And the conics, wich doesn´t have gustatory function, but are tactile receptors, that capture the temperature.

The taste buds are the most important.

Fun Fact

Obesity is directly related whith a change in the sense of taste. You lost the taste buds. So he taste buds that are already respond poorly.

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