viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017


                                                     SENSE OF TASTE


 This sense is divided in 4 parts

The tongue is a muscular organ located inside the mouth or oral cavity. The sensation that a food produces in the sense of taste is called flavor. Food can be sweet or salty, acidic, umami and bitter. ... The tongue has structures, called papillae, that give it its rough appearance.

lunes, 11 de diciembre de 2017

Sense of touch


The organ for the sense of human touch is the skin. It is the largest sensory organ because, unlike the others, it is not found in any specific place, but in the whole body. A few places without sensory receptors (skin) are our hair and fingernails.
Touch is not only perceived by the skin, but also includes receptors in the muscles.
The different receptors help us to respond to different stimuli such as tension, pressure, pain, temperature, shape, texture, weight, vibaration and contours.

when it´s hot if you touch it the receptors send it to the brain and the brain tells you to stop touching the pan.

the skin receptors

Resultado de imagen de ,mano en el agua

viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2017                                                                                                                    The taste of tonge have 4 parts biter ,salty,Southampton,sweet.                                                              The tonge help to sensation the food and have inside oral cavity , taste porte, lingual epithelium ,taste receptor cell,nasal cell,connective tissue,afferent nerve. Taste have 50 to 100 taste receptor cell .        Umami: umami it’s the part of the centre of the tongue umami discovered in 1913 Kikunae  Ikeada.        Human tongue parts: epiglottis ,palatine tonsil, lingual tonsil,fungiform papillas,circunvallate,taste Buds,epithellum of tongue,surface of the tongue ,surface of the tongue,taste bud,connective tissue,gustatory cel ,Basal cell ,sensor y nerve the foto that its in the url

To determinate the taste for food, we have the test buds. Where to so called gustatory buttons are for indentify teh flavors. For example, in the blue part are the bitter tastes, in the orange part, the sour flavors and the green part, salty flavours. In the tip of the tongue, sweet flavours.

In the tongue there are more types of papilas. For example, calciform papillas are receptors of sweet, acid and salty. 

Also, the lenticulars, which capture the bitter taste. 

And the conics, wich doesn´t have gustatory function, but are tactile receptors, that capture the temperature.

The taste buds are the most important.

Fun Fact

Obesity is directly related whith a change in the sense of taste. You lost the taste buds. So he taste buds that are already respond poorly.

jueves, 7 de diciembre de 2017

The sense of sight

The sense of sight
The sense of sight allows us to perceive the form, distances, position, size and color of all the objects and beings who surround us.
The eyes are the receiving organs of the sight, they have the function to receive the luminous stimuli that we find in the ambience.
They are located in the cavities called orbit, that protect them from the shakes and exterior shocks. The eyebrows, the eyelashes and the eyelids complement its protectión.
Severa mani parts
1) The iris. It is the colored part of the eye . It regulates the light entry increasing or diminishing its size as the intensity of the same one. 
2) The pupil. It is the central orifice of the iris. It dilates or contracts according to the quantity of existing light.
3) The crystalline one . It is the part that focuses the light bundle in the retina. It has form of biconvex lens.
4)  The  cornea. It is one of the external parts of the eye. It protects the crystalline one and the iris allowing the step of the light.
5) The retina. It is the part of the eye sensitive to the light. It is composed by the cones and the canes. Its function is to give information about the clearness, color and sheen.
6) The sclerotic. It is the most external membrane that protects and gives form to the eye. It is the area that we know as "the white of the eye ".
7) Optical nerve. He leads the nervous impulses of the cones and canes of the retina towards the brain. This allows the formation of the images in our head.
8) The watery humor. It is a colorless liquid located between the cornea and the crystalline one. Its function is to lubricate and to feed the eye by means of the proteins  that it contains.
9) The glassy humor. It is a gelatinous and transparent substance centained inside the globule ocular and been in charge to exercise pressure on him.
It takes care of your eyes reading with the suitable light and without rubbing them with the dirty hands.
Fun fact

Optical ilusion...

... and curiosities

Blue and grey or pink and white?

The sense of taste

The sense of taste is the hability to differenciate the different flavours .The organ of the taste is the tongue. You can feel 5 different flavours:

The tongue have about 5OOO taste buds. Is covered with thousands of bumps called papilla. The tongue detected the flovour with taste receptor cells. If you have a throat ache it means that you have bacterial infection of your epiglottis.


When you eat a lemon or other thing the information about its taste Goes to the brain from the tongue. The brain processes the information and the  information go back to the tongue to do a response.

miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017

sense touch

The sense touch is one of the five senses
Resultado de imagen de the sense of touch
If you touch something  like a stuffed animal your brain send the information and you say or thing "oh this is so soft" 


Taste, or gustatory perception, is one of our basic senses. It tells us from early childhood what is edible and what is not, what is good for our body and what can be potentially dangerous. Taking into account how important the sense of taste is for us, it is surprising how little we know about the underlying neurological mechanisms that produce the sensation of taste. 

The food has moleculs that the tonge perceives and informs to the brain about the taste and if it is good or bad. 


There are 9 parts:

Epiglottis, lingual tonsils, circumballate popilloe, median sulcus of the tonge, dorsum of the tonge, fungiform popillae, foliate popillae, palatine tonsils and palatopharyngeal arch.

Most of people think that they are 5 tastes, but actually there is a new one, which is umami.

Finally, here is a video about umami.


The organ of the sense of smell is the nose. . 

The sense of smell is very important to understand the world. You know when you are in danger because of fire... or the smell of the sea when we arrive to the coast...
The sense of smell also makes food tastes better. 

The smell is the main sense to remember places, situations or people.  

How it works

At the top of the inside of the nose are millions of tiny little hairs called cilia. These hairs are connected to smell sensors which send signals to our brain about smell. 

When things emit small molecules that float in the air, we can smell it. We can't see these tiny molecules, but they are there. 

Other interesting things

  • Just like some people can't see or hear, some people can't smell. This is called anosmia. 
  • As you grow older, your sense of smell tends to get worse.
  • Scientists  know less about this senses than any other, even though hearing and seeing are much more complex.
  • The sense of smell never stops (only when we are constipated). Even it works when we are sleeping.
  • Every of us have a unique smell. Only the twins have the same smell.
  • Scientists think taht it's going to be possible to send smells in the future (like we send audios or images).

Types of noses

There are a lot of types of noses. It's supose that there is a relation between the nose and your personality.


                    6-A       2017                 THE SENSE OF SIGHT    By Guillermo Linares Martínez.

Vision is the ability to interpret the environment thanks to the rays of light that reach the eye. It also

 means vision to see any action. The vision or sense of sight is one of the main sensory capacities of

humans and many other animals. There are different types of methods for vision screening.

The sense of sight or vision is ensured by a receiving organ, the eye; a membrane, the retina, these

receive the luminous impressions and transmit them to the brain through the optical pathways. The

 eye is an even organ located in the orbital cavity. It is protected by the eyelids and by the secretion of

 the lacrimal gland. It is mobilized by a group of extrinsic muscles commanded by the motor nerves 

of the eye.

Resultado de imagen de parts of the eye for kids

From the days of Charles Darwin to the present, the origin of the eye has been much better

 understood. Although studying the structure of the ancestral eye through fossil evidence is

 problematic because the soft tissues leave no marks or remnants, the evidence from genetics and

comparative anatomy has increasingly supported the idea of a common ancestor for all the eyes.


 My personal opinion about the sense of sight is that it seems the most useful because there are things 

that can not be felt with the hands


 * Our sense of smell is 10.000 times more sensitive than our   
    sense of taste.
 * The sense of taste like the sense of smell is a chemical sense.
 * Many people who lose their sense of smell also lose a litle of
    their sense of taste.
 * Temperature:phisical characteristic wich can greatly influence
     the sense of taste.
 *  In taste and smell can accompany or indicate the existence of
     diseases or conditions such as cancer patients often complain 
     of changes in their sense of taste when undergoing
     chemotherapy , in particulara bitter taste sesation.
 *   Measuring the amount of current required before a person 
      perceives this taste enables researchers to determine taste