sábado, 2 de diciembre de 2017


                                 THE SENSE OF SIGHT

              The sense of sight is what allows us to perceive luminous sensations and capture the size,shape and color objects.These sensations come through the eyes,organs responsible for vision.


People who  are blind from degradation or damage to the visual cortex ,but still have funtional eyes,are actually capable of some level of vision and reaction to visual stimuli.The  inability to see is called blindness.Blindness may result  from damage to the eyeball especially to the retina.

People blink 15 times per minute on average.
Everything would appear two dimensional to a person with only one eye.
Human eyes are made of over two million working parts.
Newbon babies see everything upside down until the brain learns to process everything right side up.
Dolphins sleep with one eye open.


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