jueves, 30 de marzo de 2017



Resultado de imagen de imagenes pequeñas saturno

  • Characteristics

Saturn is the sixth planet that is farther he Sun.
Is a little smaller than Jupiter and gaseous.
The rings are made up of a million pieces of ice.
A year of Saturn lasts 29 years from Earth.

  • Fun facts

Its name comes from the Roman God Saturn.
They call it "The jewel of the Solar System".
The first to see the rings was Galileo Galilei.

martes, 28 de marzo de 2017


  • Sizes: The radio of Mars is 3.390 kilometres.
  • Distance to the sun: The distance to the sun is 227,9 millions of kilometres. 
  • Characterictics: Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system.
  • Characterstics:The duration of the rotation of Mars is the 1 day and 40 min. 
  • Satelites: 2 examples of satelites of Mars are Fobos and Deimos.
  • Curiosities: In Mars scientists have discovered water liquid.  

  • Characterictics: Mars is the second smallest planet in the solar system.
  • Characteristics: Mars is a not gaseous planet.
  • Characteristics: Mars is the furthest planet in the asteroide belt.
  • Characteristics: This is a photo of the water in Mars. 


lunes, 27 de marzo de 2017


What is the position of JUPITER in the Solar System?

JUPITER is in the fifth position of the Solar System.

The distance of Jupiter to the sun is of 778,5 millions of km

What are the main characteristics?
Jupiter is a gaseous planet,it weight 1.899x1027kg.
 It is one thousandth part of the sun but is the biggest planet of the Solar System and
 the weightest planet of the Solar System.It weight
318 times the Earth and occupies 1,317 more than the  Earth.
The name Jupiter comes from the Roman God 

Jupiter has 67 satellites the  most inportant are the Galileanas moons.
The names are:
Calisto, Ganímedes, Europa and Io.

The nucleus
The nucleus of Jupiter is formed of ice and rocks.

Fun fact
Jupiter have 3 rings that are thin and dark, that are formed by particles of dust.The rings can not seen from the Earth.the Galilean Moons have 
that name because the person who discovered it 
was Galileo Galilei.

An incredible story

Jupiter and Saturn formed far away from the solar system, eventually they began to approach the solar system, they were approaching very fast and ... Jupiter was going to crash into the Earth! But Saturn was a little faster than Jupiter and saved to the earth.


Venus is the second planet in the solar sistem,venus is 108,2 millons
of km.

·Venus is a terretial planet,like the earth but the surface is made of rock
·Venus is the second hottest
·Venus they don't have any satellites 
·Venus they can be red, white ,brown❤❤❤❤❤❤



The earth:is a house of million of years.

Earth otherwise known as the World is the third planet from the sun and the Solar Sistem only object in the Universe known to harbor life. It is the densest planet in the  and the largest of the four terrestrial planets

Earth´s litosfhere is divided into several rigid tectonic planets that migrate across the surface over periods of many millions of years.

THE SATELLITE:the satellite of earth is the moon 

 CHARACTERICTIS  OF EART:in the earth there are cortex and  core there are water an earth  

Where does its name come from?

The name of MARS came from the Romans. The Romans knew of seven bright objects in the sky : The Sun, the Moon and the five brightest planets. The Romans were great soldiers and thought Mars, God of war, was very important. 

Characteristics and fun facts

  • Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and is the second smallest planet in solar system. 
  • Mars is smaller than Earth.
  • It is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere composed primarily of carbon dioxide.
  • The gravitational tug is softer than the gravity in Earth. That means that you would weigh less on Mars than you do in Earth.
  • The temperatures on Mars never get much warmer than 20 C 
  • There has been volcanic activity in the past
  • It has two moons
  • Mars is called "Red planet" because of its colour
  • The Red planet takes 24 hours and 40 minutes to turn on its axis. By comparison, Earth takes 23 hours and 56 minutes.

  • Mars has the tallest mountain in the solar system.
  • It has been more than 40 missions but only 14 have been sucsessful.
  • Pieces of Mars have fallen in Earth.
  • There are signs of liquid water.
  • On day, Mars will have a ring (in the next 20-40 million years).

Is there life on Mars?

From Earth, even with our most powerful telescopes, we cannot see enough detail on Mars to answer this question.

NASA is working hard now to discover whether there is life on Mars. 

There is a very famous song of David Bowie wich title is; Life on Mars? Here it is the song:


They recib the name mars of is written in tribue of the  good of the war .
is the characterictis of the mars :
the magnitude is 5,9
They have 2 satelites
fun  facts:
dough is 6,4185×10 kg
Volume is 1,6318×10km
density 3,9335+0,0004g/mg
the gravity of mars is                                    
Allows float or no the gravity is 3,711 m/s
mars is the fourthplanet near to the sun and is the second smallest.
they  know  since antiquity . Is a very interesant planet
Structure of the Earth
The Earth
The Earth

Rotatory motion
Movement translation
Movement translation

The earth and its satellite the Moon

It is the third planet in distance to the Sun and the fifth largest of all the planets in the solar system.

It is formed by a gaseous envelope called hydrosphere and another salid called geosphere. 

It atmosphere is mainly composed of oxygen and nitrogen, necessary for life.

Is a planet without rings, with a sngle satellite, the moon .

As for as we know until now , it is the only planet with life.

The Earth was formed as the name time as the sun and the other planets, about 4.6 billio years ago.

71% of the planet's surface is liquid.

The Earth revolves around it self on an imaginary axis; that is to say, as a top and little lying to oe side.

It takes an entine 24 hours turn, that is a whole day.

This movement, called rotation, makes th days and nights exist .

In addition the Earth goe around the sun. It takes 365 days and 6 hours. 

This movment is called translation, and it is responsablepor th seasons Spring, Summer, Autum and Winter

Basic data of planet Earth
Size: equatorial radios
6.378 Km
Orbit from sum (average distance from the sun)
149.600.000 Km
12.742 Km
Medium temperature
15 ºC
Day (rotation on the axis)
23,93 hours
Year (orbits around the sun)
365,256  days


Mars is the fourth planet of the solar system. Mars is the red planet. Its name comes from the roman god of war because blood is red. Its atmospheret is fine, It´s made of carbon dioxide. It only has 0,03% of water. Mars measures 21,300 Km. Mars is the second small planet of the solar sistem, the day lasts 1d 0h 40 minut, its  satellites are Fobos and Deimos.

Fun Facts: It is a photograph of a "road bull" that a person put about Mars with photoshop.

There is water on Mars:




Name: Where does it come from?

Its name comes from the Roman Saturn god.


Saturn is the sixth  planet of   the solar system,
the second in size and mass after Jupiter and the only one with ring system visible from our planet. It is part of the so-called outer or gaseous planet. The most characteristic aspect of Saturn are its brilliant rings. Before the invention of the telescope, Saturn was the furthest known planets and, at first glance, it did not look bright or interesting. The first to observe the rings was Galileo in 1610, but the low inclination of the rings and the low resolution of his telescope made him think at first that it was about large moons.

                                                                         62 satellites
51 satellites with name

Titán, Ercélado, Mimas, Jápeto, Dione, Real, Tetis, Pandora, Febe, Hiperión, Jano, Pan, Helena, Prometeo, Epimeteo, Atlas, Telesto, Calipso, Dafne, Metone, Palene, Pollux, Paaliaq, Ymir, Kiviuq, Albiorix, Anthe, Siarnaq, Ljiraq, Narvi, Greip, Bebhiorin, Hyrokkin, Skoll, Aegir, Skadi, Surtur, Tarvos, Erriapo, Thrymr, Mundilfari, Suttungr, Farbauti, Bestla, Loge, Bergelmir, Fenrir, Fornjot, Tarqeq, Jarnsaxa, Kari.

There are only eleven satellites without  a name.

Christian Huygens, with better means of observation, could in 1659 observe clearly the rings. James Clerk Maxwell, in 1859, mathematically demonstrated that the rings could not be a single solid object but should be the clustering of millions of smaller particles. The particles that make up the rings of Saturn revolve at a speed of forty-eight thousand kilometers per hour, fifteen times faster than a bullet.