domingo, 3 de diciembre de 2017

                   The Sense Of Taste :

The sense of taste is on the toungue. Our toungue is covered by the oral mucosa
that has taste buds ( there are three types:   filiform, fungiform and calciform).

The fungiform papillae capture the sweet , acyd and salty taste.
The filiform papillae have no gustatory fuction, are tactile and temperature receptors.
The calciform papillae capture bitter flavours.

These taste buds connecting with the nerves fibres that goes to the brain .

The taste of the food does not depend just the taste. The nose and the taste are connected and the feelings are mixed when we are eating a food .
The humans can perceive five differents flavours : sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umani.


  • An adult has on average 9.000 taste buds ( a child even 10.000)
  • Girls have more taste buds than boys.
  • People without tongue can still taste because of the receptors on the roof and back of the mouth.
  • There is no one  who has the same tongue  that other person.
  • Thomas Blackstone has the stronger tongue from all over the word, can lift 4 kilos  of weight).

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