miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2017


The organ of the sense of smell is the nose. . 

The sense of smell is very important to understand the world. You know when you are in danger because of fire... or the smell of the sea when we arrive to the coast...
The sense of smell also makes food tastes better. 

The smell is the main sense to remember places, situations or people.  

How it works

At the top of the inside of the nose are millions of tiny little hairs called cilia. These hairs are connected to smell sensors which send signals to our brain about smell. 

When things emit small molecules that float in the air, we can smell it. We can't see these tiny molecules, but they are there. 

Other interesting things

  • Just like some people can't see or hear, some people can't smell. This is called anosmia. 
  • As you grow older, your sense of smell tends to get worse.
  • Scientists  know less about this senses than any other, even though hearing and seeing are much more complex.
  • The sense of smell never stops (only when we are constipated). Even it works when we are sleeping.
  • Every of us have a unique smell. Only the twins have the same smell.
  • Scientists think taht it's going to be possible to send smells in the future (like we send audios or images).

Types of noses

There are a lot of types of noses. It's supose that there is a relation between the nose and your personality.

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