This are three of the principal exercises that people usually use for stretching:
Shoulder`s rotation
The exercises are very easy to follow. You have to do 3 lots of 10 repetitions. If 3 lots of 10 repetitions are too easy you can do more .
- Make 10 full rotations of both arms and then 10 rotations back. Make 3 cycles in total. The muscles that are used in this exercise are: trapezius, deltoid, triceps and pectorals.The bones involved in this exercise are clavicle, scapula and humerus.
Calf muscles stretching exercises
These exercises stretch the calf muscles
- Make all stretching positions slowly until you feel tension. Hold each position for at least 10 to 15 seconds during the warm-up and cool-down.
- Stand with both feet pointing forward. Bend your front knee and keep your back leg straight. Keep the heel slightly off of the ground lean your body forward while holding your heel on the floor.
- The muscles that are used in this exercise are: calf muscles.The bones involved in this exercise are: tibia,fibula,metatarsal and phalanges.
Back muscles stretching exercises
Back stretching exercises help keep your muscles comfortable and relaxed during the day. These exercises include stretches for lower back muscles and for muscles of the hips.
- Make each step during 5-10 second and repeat them two or three times
- The muscles that are used in this exercise are: dorsal, intercostal and trapezius. The bones involved in this exercise are: spine, ribs and sternum.
"I have included this video that gives you some more information about the muscles"
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