domingo, 8 de enero de 2017

The dogs

The Dogs, are vertebrate animals that have ,backbone.There are differents breeds of dogs ,like Teckel,Coker,Ireland Setter and some hunters like,Pointer,Hound,Brako,etc.There mammals like cows,(Viviparos)are animals that inside the gut, have a fetus, where animals are create to be born.The dogs, have two month to create in her mathers gut a new lifes.Normaly born 4 - 8 puppis,and some of them die soon ,for not having the necessary care of their mother,and in some breeds they are devoured by the males.The dogs drink with her tongue and they do a bowl with her tongue .The Galgo is one of the most prevalent dogs , although it lacks some paws.The biggest dogs breeds are:Gran Danes ,San Bernardo , Dogo Argentino ,and Mastín Ingles .When the male dogs are going to pee raise the paw to mark ,female dogs pee whittle log loin .So this animals are the most beloved 
and friendliest,of which ,you can enjoy the human being,sometimes they are even better then the people.

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