martes, 3 de enero de 2017


Dolphins are the only acuatic mamals. The dolphins are viviparous. They eat depend the place where the dolphins live , usually dolphins are carnivores someones eat fish like the saw or the mace.

The dolphis are very social, friendly and playful dolphins use whistles to identify themselves when they lose what humans call names.

There are 21 types of dolphins.

Dolphins live in families groups that can reach up to 1.000 individuals.

Dolphins live where there is a lot of food,that is you want to see a dolphin and you go to a place where there not to much food you don usually see.

Diving up to 300 meters Deep and can be up 8 minutes underwater, after 8 minutes under wáter they must exict the surfaace to take air and be submitted again.

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