martes, 3 de enero de 2017



Edible mushrooms include many types of fungi or mushrooms that are harvested, grown and others that are not easily grown , and are highly prized in gastronomy. Some edible fungi have an extremely strong taste, like the bitter billet . Before assuming that a wild fungus is edible, a safety standard must be followed to ensure that it is identified. The best test of edibility is the identification of the species. Some mushrooms that are edible for most people can cause allergic reactions in some individuals

Resultado de imagen de setas



Edible mushrooms are a delicacy in many houses. With the arrival of autumn, many fans of the mycology are sent to the field for this precious product. However, there is a whole range of poisonous mushrooms that you should identify well if you want to avoid more of a startle. Remember: never consume a mushroom that you have not perfectly identified before. Cases of intoxication and even death after ingesting a poisonous mushroom are not uncommon due to lack of knowledge. To avoid this, we offer you a small guide of the most common poisonous mushrooms and those that you can take from the field without fear.

Resultado de imagen de setas no comestibles

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1 comentario:

  1. this explanation and the photo is very beautiful but the vocabulary is a bit difficult
