domingo, 8 de enero de 2017


Sharks are viviparous and oviparous. (depend of the species of sharks)

 1.The female sharks put eggs in the toung and the eggs hatch in sharks toung and baby sharks leave the eggs.
2.Female sharks put eggs and they wait to eggs hatch and baby sharks leave eggs.

Sharks eat moluscs, jellyfish, plankton, fish, dolpins, squids, tortules and sea lions.
They hunt on night.

When the sharks smell blood, sharks swim fast to the blood and attacks any thing that have blood.

They are approximately 368 species of sharks. Amazing!!!
Unfortunately a lot of species of sharks are in danger of extinction because the fishing of sharks and the  water contamination the sharks die.

The speed attack of the sharks and the attack force is impresionant, they fishing a lot of fish.

Sharks are amazing animals and we need to respect them.

The sharks have a long and a strong tail.
They can reach 18 metes long.
And they weight 3 tons.

They have three lines of 100 teeth each one.
They have two side tabs and one on his back.
Sharks are very agiles in water and out of water.
They have a elastic skeleton that allowsthe agility of the sharks.

They live in all bigs and medium seas.
They live in hot and cold water.
Some species live in rivers like Lamia sharks.

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