sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014


Today I'm going to talk about the sense of hearing. I hope you like it.

The hearing is one of the five senses and it consists on receiving sounds from the outside. The ear is the organ of the hearing and it has three parts:
  • The outer ear: it receives all the sounds. It includes the visible part of the ear and the ear canal.
  • The middle ear: it changes the sounds that the outer ear receives into vibrations. It includes the eardrum and the small bones that are the three smallest bones in all the body, which are known as the ossicles. The name of the bones are the malleus, the incus and the stapes.
  • The inner ear: it changes the vibrations of the middle ear into nerve impulses that are sent to the brain. It includes the cochlea, which is a spiral shaped tube and the auditory part of the inner ear. It includes the auditory nerve too, which carries the sound from the cochlea directly to the brain.
 There are people who can't hear sounds because they have some problem with their ear. Those people are called deaf people.

Some animals can hear much more than humans. The animals with the best sense of hearing are:
  • The owl
  • The bat
  • The dolphin
  • The elephant
  • The pigeon
  • The cat
  • The tiger moth

BY: Elsa Baixeras 6ºA

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