domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

The Electronic ink by Paula Castro

The Electronic ink


It was made in 1997  by the MIT.

The electronic ink has three parts :
  • The first one is made by electrical micro-transmitters. 
  • The second one is made by a polymer. 
  • And the third one with a protective sheet .

In the polymer we find the matrix of millions of capsules floating in a gel. Inside each capsule, we have white and black pigments with different charges. 

Using an electrode, we can move the pigments using electromagnetism. If we move the white to the bottom then the screen will be black. If we move the black to the bottom (and the screen will be white). We can also combine them so the screen will be gray.

Throught this stimulation each capsule shows it's white or black face in the screen. Every letter of the book is displayed by many capsules.

 Advantages of e-ink

  1. The devices that use electronic ink have a thickness less than 3 mm.
  2. They have greater autonomy that laptops (you just have to charge the battery once a month).
  3. They have wider viewing angle.
  4. They have more brightness.
  5. Unlike the screen of tablets and phones, you can read on the beach!!!!

If you still have questions about e-ink, watch my video!

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