martes, 24 de mayo de 2016


The Drill

The earliest drills date back to the Harappans and Egyptians.
 It was invented by Arthur James Arnot in 1889. The first portable electric drill was invented by William Fein six year later, in 1895. So now you know who invented the first drills and who invented electric drills. Now let’s look at those five cool facts about drills.Power drills are handy tools for numerous jobs around the home, from installing large picture hangers to making furniture.

Types of Drills:
  1. Hand drill
  2. Pistol-grip (corded) drill
  3. Hammer drill
  4. Rotary hammer drill
  5. Cordless drill
  6. Drill press
  7. Geared head drill press
  8. Radial arm drill press
  9. Mill drill
Other type of drill is a special one for the dentist, that is used to diferent mouth operations, normaly for caries.
An unusual type of use the drill is for peel a potatoe 

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