jueves, 11 de diciembre de 2014

Sofía Sánchez-Bleda Urbiola

Hello, today i´m going to talk about the digestive system. I hope that you like.
The digestive system funtion is to transform food into nutrients, there funtion is so important because if the digestive system doesn´t exist will have many problems with the body.
It has two parts: the digestive tract and the digestive glands.
The digestive tract it has a tube that have two ways, the mouth and the anus.
The digestive glands, help with the digestion.
Food goes all througth the digestive tract and the digestive glands release chemicals into the digestive tract to help with the digestion.
The digestive system have 9 parts:

7-Large intenstine
8-Small intestine

1-The mouth has salivary glands that produce saliva, teeth that chew food and a tongue that mixes chewed food with saliva to form a ball of food.
2-The esophagus is a muscular tube that transports saliva liquid and food from the mouth to the stomach .
3-The liver secretes bile.
4-The stomach is where the food mixes with gastric juices.
5-The gallabladder  is a small storage organ located inferior and posterior to the liver.
6-The pancreas is an organ peritoneal mixed.
7-The large intestine represents the end of the digestive tract.
8-The small intestine is the longest part of the diggestive tract. Nutrients pass into the blood trough its walls.
9-The rectum acts a temory storage facility for feces/ waste material.

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