viernes, 4 de enero de 2019



                                        BACTERIA   KINGDOM

                         Resultado de imagen de bacteria


-Types and class
-Fun fact
-Main Characteristics

                                                     Types and class

The classification of bacteria depend of many factors. We can classify them considering its size, form, feeding system, environment, movement,...etc.
                        Resultado de imagen de bacteria classify

 And really the list is endless.....



Resultado de imagen de parts of bacteria

Pilus:  Some type of bacteria has pilus for move or  adhere to other cells.

Flagellum: Other type of bacteria have flagellum for movement.
Ribosoma: Complex molecular machine for biological protein synthesis.
Capsule: One of the envelopes of the bacteria cells. It is very strong and protect the cell.
Cell Membrane: One of the envelopes of the bacteria cells. This membrane have control in the transit of water and other substances between in and outside.
Cell Wall: Other cell envelope. Provides cell with structural support and protection.
Nucleoid: The most important part of the cell. Contain the DNA it is the genomic information about all the characteristics and operation of the cell. In the prokaryote cell it don´t have nucleoid membrane.
                                        Fun facts

  -Cocci are some of the smallest bacteria, having a diameter from 0.5 to 1.0 micrometer.
-The human body is home to about 1,000 different species of bacteria. They are aproximately 100 billion of cells.  Some of them are beneficial and others not so much. 

- Some types of experimental bacteria help humans eating plastic or petroleum in the sea and others transform the milk in cheese or yoghourt. Human experiment with bacteria in the space to investigate the radiation effects over the dna mutations, how they join in metal corrosion, etc.

       <<Kubik module in the ISS with different experiments with bacteria, courtesy of NASA>>

- The smell of rain is produced by actinobacteria and other set of complex substances.

                                Main characteristics

-Bacteria are unicellular organism.

-They don´t have nucleoid membrane so they are prokaryote cells.
-They can move  with flagellum or pilus.
-They can live in extreme environment like Riotinto, Antartica or the space.
-Much of them  make substances that help them survive in their environment obtaining energy by processing iron, cianide, oxigen and other substances. They can be autotrophic or heterotrophic, it is , they can obtain the energy processing inert matter or eating other living things.

- The latest studies make scientists believe that mitochondria in eukaryotic cells could be primitive bacteria that established a symbiosis with them:

Thanks to:


Harvard University and XVIVO


Biology dictionary:

The art of medicine:

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