viernes, 4 de enero de 2019




Hello, im Luis today i go to talk about animals

The animals are living things that is equal to our life, they breathe and  
have a live. Animals can be vertebrates or invertebrates and classify in viviparous or oviparous and have different species.

  • Dog, is a mammal and is a viviparous



  • Eagle is a bird and is an oviparous


Crocodrile is a reptile and is oviparous


Resultado de imagen de The inside of a crocodile

Shark is a fish and is oviparous


Imagen relacionada

Resultado de imagen de the inside of a amphibiansThe frog is amphibian and is a oviparous↖



The mollusc is a oviparous


Resultado de imagen de the inside of a smile with mollusc

The spider i a insect and is a oviparous


Resultado de imagen de the inside of an insect

Worms is a worm and is a oviparous

Resultado de imagen de the inside of an worm

If you like i go to talk later more of the animals

Resultado de imagen de Un animal despidiendose

                                     GOOD BYE

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