martes, 6 de enero de 2015



The Twins are two babies that born in the same birth. The 2% pregnancy in the world are twins.

The normal pregnancy last about 40 weeks, in the case of twins pregnancy last about 37 weeks.

The twins can be of two types, depending on fertilization: 

  • Monozygotic twins (Identical twins): Their fertilization is similar to the normal fertilization but is different in that the first days the ovule is divide in two (between the eighth and twelfth day). The Identical twins share the same placenta and always they have same sex.

  • Dizygotic twins (Fraternal twins): Their fertilization is separate. Two ovules are fertilized by two sperm independently. Usually, this happens in the cases of "In vitro fertilization". Each fraternal twin has their own placenta and normally they have different sex.

The physical and psychological traits in the identical twins are very similar both while the fraternal twins are as different as two ordinary brothers.

In this video you can see and understand perfectly the differents between identical and fraternal twins. I hope you like it as much as me because the photos and the music are wonderful.

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