domingo, 2 de abril de 2017


1- Venus is the second planet in the order of the sun,  and the third in order of size.

2- It´s a planet of the rocky and terrestrial tipe, often called the brother planet of the earth, since both
    are similar of composition and mass.

3- In taking a turn in the sun it takes 225 days, and in giving a turn to itself 243 days

4- The average temperature at the surface are 482 degrees and therefore can not have liquid water

5- Venus is the brig test planet after the moon and the sun

6- The distance from venus to the sun  is 108 millions of km, the diameter is 12.200 KM

7- Venus was the roman goddess of love and beauty and this planet was giving this name because of
    its brightness and beauty in the night sky


This film are ten fun facts of venus, i hope you like it


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