viernes, 24 de marzo de 2017




It receives its name to Venus, the Roman goddess of the love


Venus is the second planet of the solar system in order to distance itself from the sun, the third beginning from less to greater. Like Mercurio does not have natural satellites. It is a rocky and terrestrial planet very similar to the Earth by size, mass and composition. But different in temperatures.


The diameter is approximately 12.104 km on the equator.


Venus rotates slowly on itself clockwise, from East to West instead of West to East like the rest of the planets, (except Uranus), taking a full turn on itself 243,0187 Earth days.


The atmosphere of Venus is very dense, composed of carbon dioxide and a small amount of nitrojeno. Its pressure is 90 times superior to the terrestrial one, it is the greater atmospheric pressure of all the rocky planets of the solar system.


-The orbit of Venus is the most circular of all the planets.

-Venus is the nearest planet to Earth when its orbits are found.

-The symbol of Venus is a circle with a small cross below, also used today for the female sex.

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