domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

MAGNETISM AND ELECTROMAGNETISM                                                                                                                                                                   


 The microwave is used to put food and then  heat and cook it.

It happened in 1945 when the American engineer Percy Spencer was investigating a project related to radar.                                        


The toaster is used to heat and toast bread.

In fact the first American patent for a toaster was 1803 and the inventor was W. H. Silver. But the first electric toaster was invented  by Alan McMasters in Edimburg and was very dangerous.


The earphone is used to heard music.

Beyerdynamic, it was a German company founded in Berlin in 1954 by Eugen Beyer. It was attributed the invention.


The refrigerator is used to keep the food fresh.

The inventor of the refrigerator was the French engineer Louis Abel Charles Tellier. It supported work that had been done previously by Michael Faraday or Charles Thilorier, and in 1858 devised the first industrial cooling machine.


The car use to move persons other place.

If we are talking about the first modern cars, then it is Karl Benz in 1886. 


The  drill is a tool fitted with a cutting tool attachment or driving tool attachmentuse.
We use to put screw in the house.

The earliest drills date back to the Harappans and Egyptians, but the first electric drill was invented by Arthur James Arnot in 1889.


The phone is used to call other people. 

The phone created in the 1870s  Gray and Alexan Elishader Graham Bell, but Bell was Graham who first came to the patent office, so they entered into a famous legal battle that finally won it.

These things are different  examples of electromagnetics inventions.
Amuse yourself and search them in the puzzle.


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