lunes, 16 de mayo de 2016


The electrostatic with the study of the interaction between bodies due to their electrical charge. That is, the ability to attract or repel electric bodies.

The electromagnetism is considered as one of the four forces of the universe. The magnetism is known since ancient Greece as the property of certain minerals such as magnetite to attract pieces of iron. They are naturale magnets.It was the chinese who first used magnets as compasses in the twelfth century.
There are some creatures that have magnets inside that work like compasses.It is called bio-magnetism. It seems that this phenomenom the ability to orien migratoy birds should

The scientists have discovered proteins that "act like a compass" are produced in the retina and nerve cells running from the eye to the brain. The migrating birds, butterflies and other animals are able to use the Earth´s magnetic field to help them find their way.

Many animals are thought to use the Earth´s magnetic fields to help them navigate including sharks, sea turtles, birds, insects, wolves, whales and even worms.
The scients are innestigating how they do this exactly, is is a mystery.

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