lunes, 7 de enero de 2019




  1. Definition of animal
  2. Clasification: Vertebrates and invertebrates
  3. Characteristics                                                      
  1.Definition of animal
 An animal is a living being that can move by its own. All animals do the 3 vital functions: nutrition, relation and reproduction.   

  2.  Clasification

          3. Characteristics

a) Vertebrates:

1. They have a bone skeleton. 
2.They have vertebrae and bones that hold the skin.

- fish: They live only in aquatic environments and their bodies are covered by scales.
- Birds: They are warm blooded animals, they can fly, jump or run. They are covered with feathers and are oviparous animals.
-Amphibians: They can live in aquatic and terrestrial environments. When they are small, they have gills and Adults have lungs.
- Mamals: They have mammary glands to produce milk to feed their young. They are viviparous animals.
- Reptiles:  Their body is protected by scales. They lay eggs with a very hard shell.

b) Invertebrates:


                                       Thank you, i hope you like it!

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