lunes, 19 de febrero de 2018

Circulatory System

Circulatory system

Main Characteristics

Is the most important system that is responsible for pumping the blood and distribute it throughout the body.

Parts Cardiovascular system

The heart
It is one of the most important muscles of the body. its main function is to pump blood.

Blood vessels

They are the arteries, the capillaries and the veins. Its function is to transport blood, thanks to the constant pumping of the heart. They reach all parts of the body.

The arteries

The arteries have thick and slightly elastic walls, because they withstand a lot of pressure. The muscles of its walls allow them to contract and dilate to control blood pressure and the amount of blood that reaches the organs.

The capillaries
Vessels with very thin walls, which connect the arteries with the veins.

The veins
The blood that the veins transport they are called venous and it it of darker color. They possed unidirectional valves that prevent the regression of the blood. The veins of the general circulation bring blood of all the regions of the body to the right atrium of the heart. Including the veins that empty in the heart, which go to the veins top wine-cellar and to the low wine-cellar. They transport the deoxygenated blood.

Resultado de imagen de FOTOS DE CORAZON                    


The heart pumps→The arteries carry the blood from the heart to the organs, transporting the oxigen and nutrients→The capillaries connect the arteries with the veins→The veins carry the blood from the organs and tissues to the heart→The heart goes back to pumping.

Relationship between systems  
Is connected to all systems because:
The circulatory system is responsible for carrying oxigen and nutrients through the blood to the cells of other systems.



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