The blue whale is the largest mammal in the world. Whales are the largest animals that have ever lived on earth and are the largest animals that live in the ocean. They are even bigger than the largest dinosaur.
It weighs two tons (1,814 kilograms) at birth and gains an extra 91 kilograms each day of its first year. Blue whales are able to breathe air, but they are very comfortable in the ocean waters where water helps to support their incredible body.
These mammals are found in all the world's oceans and often swim in small groups or alone. These giant creatures feed on tiny shrimplike creatures.
Only a few thousand blue whales are believed to swim the world's oceans. They were hunted for many years for their blubber and oil, and they were almost hunted to extinction. They were protected under the 1966 International Whaling Convention and are now considered to be an endangered species.
They are plants which adapt to wet and aquatic places like :
They can be aquatic flowers. Caracteristics:
They can be: pink,red,lilac,white,brown,yellow,gren... Are very butiful for de colors and the petals.
another group using a branch broken off a dead tree to steady herself while she
The daisy flowers grow as a rosette with basal leaves and size little height. The leaves of daisy flower are oval, spatulate and serrated. Each leaf has size about two and five cm. The floral chapter rises over a long stem of thirteen and twenty cm.
The flowers appear on May and they live until the end of the summer. The flowers open on the day and they close at night. The name of daisy come from "day´s eye".
The parts of daisy flowers are: tubular flowers, petals, seed and floral chapter. The flowers of daisy flower are radiated. They are yellow flowers. The petals are white.
Dogs are domestic animals because
they live with us. They are the best friend´s man. They are carnivores
and viviparous. They have big eyes and big mouths with strong theeths. I
would like to have a dog but mi father is allergic.
Dogs can be of different colours and
sizes but I prefer the smalls because they are very cute. They also can
have spots like Dalmatas. Having a dog is a big responsibility because
you need to have time to go to parks. Dogs have to run and play with
other dogs. Like humans, dogs have a special doctor: the vet. Some dogs
help people with problems like blind and old people. Some dogs have
problems like they haven't got a leg, they are blinds and another dogs are
dangerous like pitbulls, rottweilers and argentinian dogos.
The Dogs, are vertebrate animals that have ,backbone.There are differents breeds of dogs ,like Teckel,Coker,Ireland Setter and some hunters like,Pointer,Hound,Brako,etc.There mammals like cows,(Viviparos)are animals that inside the gut, have a fetus, where animals are create to be born.The dogs, have two month to create in her mathers gut a new lifes.Normaly born 4 - 8 puppis,and some of them die soon ,for not having the necessary care of their mother,and in some breeds they are devoured by the males.The dogs drink with her tongue and they do a bowl with her tongue .The Galgo is one of the most prevalent dogs , although it lacks some paws.The biggest dogs breeds are:Gran Danes ,San Bernardo , Dogo Argentino ,and Mastín Ingles .When the male dogs are going to pee raise the paw to mark ,female dogs pee whittle log loin .So this animals are the most beloved
and friendliest,of which ,you can enjoy the human being,sometimes they are even better then the people.
THE CLOVER Clover is a perennial plant that can reach 60 cm in height. Their stems are straight with trifoliate leaves(divided in three) of oval form. They are usually greenish in tone and may have pink flowers. Is a wild plant that grows in the field. There are several types of clovers according to the color of their leaves or their flowers: Red clover, white clover and yellow clover. The most famous and sought after clover is the four leaf clover.
Sharksareviviparousandoviparous.(depend of the species of sharks) 1.The female sharksput eggs in the toung and the eggs hatch insharks toung andbaby sharks leavethe eggs. 2.Female sharks puteggs and they wait toeggs hatch and baby sharks leave eggs. Sharks eat moluscs, jellyfish, plankton, fish, dolpins, squids, tortules and sea lions. They hunt on night.
When the sharks smell blood, sharks swim fast to the blood and attacks any thing that have blood.
They are approximately 368 species of sharks.Amazing!!!
Unfortunatelya lot of species of sharks are in danger of extinction because the fishing of sharks andthe water contaminationthe sharksdie.
Thespeed attack of the sharks and the attack force is impresionant, they fishing a lot of fish.
Sharksare amazing animals and weneed torespect them.
DESCRIPTION: The sharks have a long and a strong tail. They can reach 18 metes long. And they weight 3 tons.
They have threelines of 100 teeth each one. They have two sidetabs and one on his back. Sharks are very agiles in water and out of water. They have a elastic skeleton that allowsthe agility ofthe sharks.
HABITAT: They live in allbigs and medium seas. They live in hotand cold water. Some species livein rivers like Lamia sharks.
SNAKES:I tock you of the snake because is a animal very beautifuland very very dangerous
Cobra is the common name for certain venomous snakes, known for their intimidating appearance and their deadly bite. It is easy to recognize them by a kind of cap that they unfold when they are irritated or feel threatened, which is formed by extending the ribs of theback of their head. These reptiles live in the Philippines, South Asia and Africa.
The venom of the snake is very dangerous. Especially the snake snake, try Spit poison into the eyes to cause blindness. Normal snake (which injects the poison) is also very dangerous because it injects a neurotoxic venom
OF THE MONKEYS. There are around 260 species
of monkeys in the world. Some examples are Baboon, Chimpanzee, Marmoset,
Gorilla, Mandrel, …
Monkeys live in trees and they
live in groups. Monkeys are omnivorous, mamals and vertebrates. HOW MUCH THEY LIVE AND WHERE.
The number of years that
the monkeys can live depends on their species. For example, Mandrel can live around
twenty years, Cebus Capucinus more than forty years and Cebuella Pygmea around
twelve years. There are lots of places
where the monkeys can live. An interesting place is the jungle ofAfrica. There live the monkeys with others
wilds animals like elephants, lions, crocodiles, zebras, gazelles, etc. They can live also in the
zoo. There, they are in cages and people goes to visit them and they take photographs.
The favorite food of the monkeys are bananas. But they eat everything:
fruits, insects, plants, flowers, eggs of the birds, seeds, leaves. That’s why
monkeys are omnivorous, as we have said at the beginning..
Carnivorous plants are plants that derive some or most of their nutrients (but not energy) from trapping and
consuming animals or protozoans, typically insects and other arthropods. Carnivorous plants have adapted to grow in
places with high light where the soil is thin or poor in nutrients, especially nitrogen, such as acidic bogs and rock outcroppings .
Pitfall traps (pitcher plants)
trap prey in a rolled leaf that contains a pool of digestive enzymes or
The traps are very similar, with
leaves whose terminal section is divided into two lobes, hinged along the
midrib. Trigger hairs (three on each lobe in Dionaea muscipula, many more in
the case of Aldrovanda) inside the trap lobes are sensitive to touch. When a
trigger hair is bent, stretch-gated ion channels in the membranes of cells at
the base of the trigger hair open, generating an action potential that
propagates to cells in the midrib.[17] These cells respond by pumping out ions,
which may either cause water to follow by osmosis (collapsing the cells in the
midrib) or cause rapid acid growth.[18] The mechanism is still debated, but in
any case, changes in the shape of cells in the midrib allow the lobes, held
under tension, to snap shut,[17] flipping rapidly from convex to concave[19]
and interring the prey. This whole process takes less than a second. In the
Venus flytrap, closure in response to raindrops and blown-in debris is
prevented by the leaves having a simple memory: for the lobes to shut, two
stimuli are required, 0.5 to 30 seconds apart