The sense of taste is located in the tongue. The tongue is an organ that is in the mouth.
The sensation that a food produces in the sense of taste is called flavor. The food can be sweet, salty, sour, acid... Who say it is the papillae that is in the mout. In the papillae you can find the taste buds that allow you to identify the flavors: in the higher part (green) the bitter flavor, in the upper lateral part (blue) the acid flavor, in the low side (pink) the salty and in the tip of the tongue (orange) the sweet part.
This are the parts of the sense of taste:
We use less the sense of taste than the sense of sight and the sense of hearing. When we are getting older our flavor change, when we are joung we like more sweet flavors but when we get older the opposite happens. When we bless before eat we enjoy more.The higher part of the tongue is very sesible to the bitter flavor, this is for when you mastic something poisonous you can spit it before eat it. If saliva can't dissolve a food, you can't know the flavor of the food.
We use less the sense of taste than the sense of sight and the sense of hearing. When we are getting older our flavor change, when we are joung we like more sweet flavors but when we get older the opposite happens. When we bless before eat we enjoy more.The higher part of the tongue is very sesible to the bitter flavor, this is for when you mastic something poisonous you can spit it before eat it. If saliva can't dissolve a food, you can't know the flavor of the food.
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