jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015



is tobacco good?
 not tobacco is not anything good at all

Saúde de Iguatu: Exposição à fumaça do tabaco tem consequências ...
  why?                                                     because it has nicotine and those substanceas produce addiction, is very bad for the neurons and the circulation, produces cancer, reduces the oxygen and has toxic substanceas  and produces primarily lung cancer, and let you yellow teeth

does it damage your health?
yes , tobacco damage a lot  your health due to  the  nicotine and toxic substances it contains


rolling tobacco                        
tobacco pack

when you smoke , nicotine enters in your blood damaging important parts of your body.

passive smoking people,  those who even not smoking suffer the effects of the smoke specially if they have got   a family member who smoke, because they are  in those moments in which when they breath they get the air so bad that produces tobacco and that it is very dangerous for the lungs.
Fumadores pasivos propensos a padecer bronquitis y asma

tobacco road
filtration zone
tipping paper
cigarette paper

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