jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018



Bacteria are macroscopic organisms that thrive in diverse environments,
in every environment,both inside an outside other organisms.

I we took about bacteria we can see that we have a lot of types like:

- Coccus


now we are going to see what are the parts of bacteria:

-cel wall: it sorounds an protect the cell.
-capsule:it is a large stucture of some bacteria.
-pilli: it is the fur of bacteria.
-flaguellum:is the tail of bacteria
-nucleoid rgion:it contains the DNA of the cel
-ribosome:it is a mollecular machine 


Bacteria are the oldest organisms that live in ower planet.
Bacteria reproduce by asexual reproduction .
The number of bacteria in the world is:
Bacteria can be found in nature and in everywhere
that they have water,solid and air.
Some bacteria can move using there fanguellum .
Some bactreia make their own food like plants.
You can only observed with a microscope.

For the end you can wacht my video, 

miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2018




The plants grow all their life. In order to grow plants need to feed. To carry out photosynthesis, plants absorb water through their roots with mineral salts that are in the floor. This mixture called crude sap, ascends the stem of the plant and reaches the leaves

There, chlorophyll captures sunlight, transforms carbon dioxide from air, water and salts into essential nutrients for the plant: sugars. The plant releases oxygen.

One of the ways to know the age of a tree, in the areas that have the four seasons is, in its cut trunk, count the number of rings that it presents. Each ring represents a year of life. This method is used to determine the age of a dead and already cut tree; It would be foolish to kill a tree to know its age.


All the plants have the capacity to have other plants that are their daughters. 

The ability to reproduce exists from the moment it has reached its final form and has reached the state of maturity. Each species of plant reaches maturity in a certain time. That is why there are herbal species, for example, that take a few weeks while certain species of trees can take a few years until the time comes when they can reproduce.

There are plants that can reproduce without seed. The mother plant emits horizontal stems called stolons. New daughter plants grow from the tips of the stolons that immediately root, that is, they emit small roots that allow them to anchor in the ground and be a plant independent of the mother plant. An example of this way of reproducing is  the strawberry.

Death is the end of the life of a plant and therefore it is also the last stage of its life cycle. Each species has its own life time.

When the plant dies it dries and its remains are used by other living beings. When a plant dies others usually of the same species, take their place. Plants are living things because they do  the life cycle.

FUNGI                               BY: CARMEN FERNÁNDEZ


- Classification of fungi
- Types of fungi
- Parts of fungi
- Main characteristics
- Three vital functions
- Fun facts


- Yeast
- Mold
- Mushrooms

Resultado de imagen de parts of fungi


- Fungi are more close o animals than plants.
- Fungi multiply either asexually, sexally or both.
- Fungi live in the soil and on your body, in your house and on plants and animals, in fresh water and sea water.
- Fungi interact with other organisms by either forming beneficial or mutualistic associations or causing serious infections.

Resultado de imagen para fungi


- Nutrition: Fungi get their nutrition by absorbing organic compounds from the enviroment. Fungi obtain nutrients in three different ways:
1. They decompose dead organic matter.
2. They feed on living hosts as parasites.
3. They live mutualistically with other organisms.

- Interaction: Fungi are very diversified and versatile organisms that are important players in both natural and man-managed ecosystems. According to their main role as decomposers, fungi can establish numerous interactions with other organisms. Some of these interactions may be beneficial for all partners involves,whereas others are detrimental for at least on partner.

- Reproduction: Fungi reproduce by spores. Spores may be produces either by asexual methods or by sexual reproduction.


- They are the most populous kingdom on the planet.

- Fungi are medical miracle workers. For thousands of years fungi have been used in medicine.

- They can be used to make paper and clothing.

- Fungi could save the planet. Fungi already save the planet every day, since without them dead plants wouldn’t be turned back into soil and life on Earth would soon disappear beneath mountains of lifeless debris. It’s already well known that many species of fungus are excellent for bioremediation work—the removal of toxic substances like pesticides from otherwise healthy soil. These chemicals are in widespread use around the world and are massively detrimental to the environment, as well as to global bee populations crucial for natural pollination.

lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2018


Resultado de imagen de fungi animation of title
Today we are goin to talk about Fungi.
2º-Classification and Types
3º-Fun facts
Resultado de imagen de fungi parts
In classification of Fungi there are four types:Rhizopus,Neurospora,Agaricus and Fusarium.
-Rhizopus is a lower Fungi.     
-Neurospora is a sac Fungi.
-Agaricus is a club Fungi.
-Fusarium is Fungi imperfecti.
-Heterotrophic - obtain energy by decomposing organic 
material .
-Structures are made of the same type of filamentous cell.
-Cell walls contain chitin.
-Go through nuclear mitosis-nucleos divides with no cytokinesis.

In types of Fungi we have three types:Mushrooms,Yeast and Mould
This group of Fungi includes single-celled bread yeast and multi-celled truffles. Other types of sac Fungi can harm plants and animals .Club Fungi(Fungi that produce spores on little structures that look like clubs).These are housed in the fruiting body of the fungus,commonly known as a mushroom.


Resultado de imagen de tambores animados The moment all of you were waiting for:
¡Fun Facts!

Did you know that....?

-The mushrooms used in Mario bros are based on a Fungi named Amanita Muscaria.
-That some Fungi glow in the dark.
-Scientists who specialize in the study of Fungi are called mycologists.
-The Fungi kindom is more similar to the animal kindom tan the
-The word "Fungus" is a Latin word meanig "Mushrooms"
-It is estimated that there are at least 1.5 million species of Fungi
Resultado de imagen de fun facts about fungi
If you didint understand very well here i leave you a short video.
Hope you likeded
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lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2018

Andrés Zarallo - Plants


The parts of a plant are:

The flower

The leaf
The fruit
The stem
The roots

The types of plants are:




Fun facts about plants:

-The earth has more than 80 000 species of edible plants.
-90% of the foods human eats come from just 30 plants.
-70 000 plants are used for medicine.

Also you can watch my video on YouTube!


domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2018



                        TYPES AND CLASSIFICATION:               


In biology, plants are called              photosynthetic living beings, without locomotor capacity and whose cell walls are composed mainly of cellulose.

                                       FUN FACTS:
 10 Shocking Plant Facts You Didn't Know
  • The earth has more than 80,000 species of edible plants. ...
  • 90 percent of the foods humans eat come from just 30 plants. ...
  • Nutrition doesn't factor into the crops we do massproduce. ...
  • 70,000 plant species are utilized for medicine. ...
  • Only 1 percent of rainforest plants have been studied for medicinal potential.

jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2018

sábado, 21 de abril de 2018

jueves, 22 de febrero de 2018

The digestive system

                                                                                                                                                                                    What is the digestive system?

The digestive system is the group of organs which are involved in the process of digestion. The digestion is the process of transforming food so that it can be absorbed and used by the body's cells.


Mouth: The mouth is composed of: the teeths, the tongue and the salivary glands.

Pharynx: The pharynx, is a funnel-shaped tube connected to the posterior end of the mouth. The pharynx is responsible fot the passing of masses of chewed food from the mouth to the esophagus. The pharynx serves two different functions, it contains a flap of tissue known as the epiglottis that acts as a switch to route food to the esophagus and air to the larynx.

Esophagus: The esophagus is a muscular tube connecting the pharynx to the stomach that is part of the upper gastrointestinal tract. It carries swallowed masses of chewed food along its lenght. At the inferior end of the esophagus is a muscular ring called the lower stomach. gallbladder and pancreasesophageal sphincter or cardiac sphincter. The function of this sphincter is to close of the end of the esophagus and trap food in the stomach.

Stomach: The stomach is a muscular sac that is located on he left side of the abdominal cavity. In a person, the stomach is about size of their two fists. This major organ acts as a storage tank for food so that the body has time to digest large meals properly.

Small intestine: The small intestine is located just inferior to the stomach and takes up most of the space in the abdominal cavity. The entire small intestine is coiled. By the time food leaves the small intestine . all nutrients have been extracted. 

Liver and gallbladder:  The liver is a organ of the digestive system located to the right of the stomach. The liver is the second largest organ in the body.
The gallbladder is a small organ located just posterior to the liver. The gallbladder is uses to store and recycle fot the digestion of subsequen meals.

Pancreas:  The pancreas is a large gland located just inferior and posterior to the stomach. The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes into the small intestine to complete the chemical digestion of foods.

Large intestine:  The large intestine is a long, thick tube  It is located just inferior to the stomach and wraps around the superior border of the small intestine. The large intestine contains many simbiotic bacteria. Feces in the large intestine exit the body through the anal canal.

Relationship between systems:  Digestive system breaks down large molecules into simple molecules such as glucose. These are then transported to cells of the body via the circulatory system. 

The respiratory system causes the diffusion of oxygen into the blood and the diffusion of CO2 out of the blood. This oxygen is then transported to cells of the body via the circulatory system. 

When the cells have both oxygen and glucose they can respire to release energy, producing water and carbon dioxide (the CO2 is carried through the circulatory system to the lungs where it is removed through the respiratory system.


                     THE END

Digestive system 

Main characteristics
- The digestive system have the responsability of digesting the food that we eat every day.
- The digestion lasts about six or eight hours 

Main parts

Salivary glands
Gall bladder
Large intestine
Small intestine

The function of the digestive system is to digest the food and absorb it nutrients with enzyme-rich juices

The digestive tract begins at the lips and ends at the anus. It consists of the mouth, or oral cavity, with its teeth, for grinding the food, and its tongue, which serves to knead food and mix it with saliva; the throat, or pharynx; the esophagus; the stomach; the small intestine, consisting of the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum; and the large intestine, consisting of the cecum, a closed-end sac 
connecting with the ileum, the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, and the sigmoid colon, which terminates in the rectum. Glands contributing digestive juices include the salivary glands, the gastric glands in the stomach lining, the pancreas, and the liverand its adjuncts—the gallbladder and bileducts. All of these organs and glands contribute to the physical and chemical 
down of ingested food and to the eventual elimination of nondigestible

Relationships with other systems
- Circulatory system:  it carries by the blood the nutrients to the digestive system
- Respiratory system: the digestive system provides nutrients by the  process of digestion , while respiratory system provides oxygen. Working together they produce energy for the body.
-  Excretory system: the liver receives blood from the intestines and filters  out post digestive waste such as alcohol before the blood is cycled back into the body 


The Excretory System is responsible for the elimination os wastes produced by homeostasis.

There are several parts of the body thar are involved in this process, such as sweat glands, the liver, the lungs and the kidney system.

Every human has two kidneys on the left and right sides of the body in vertebrates. They are located at the back of the abdominal cavity. Although the kidneys are the main organs of excretion, the skin, lungs and liver also help in excretion. Our skin has sweat glands, through which we excreted small amounts of water,urea and salts.

The systems are coordinated by the nervous and endocrine systems. The nervous system detects stimulates and answers it by sending nerve impulses to different parts of the body, activating or stopping some of their functions.

Resultado de imagen de parts of the excretory system 

Digestive System

What is the digestive system?
The digestive system is the set of organs responsible for the process of digestion, ie the transformation of food so that they can be absorbed and used by the body's cells.


Resultado de imagen de all parts of the digestive system

The main parts
Resultado de imagen de digestive system

The function of the digestive system is digestion and absorption. Digestion is the breakdown of food into small molecules, which are then absorbed into the body. The digestive system is divided into two main parts: The digestive tract is a continuous tube with two openings: the mouth and the anus. Food that passes through the internal cavity, or lumen, of the digestive tract does not technically enter the body until it is absorbed through the walls of the digestive tract and into the blood or lymphatic vessels. 

Relationship between systems
Is related with the circulatory sistem
The relationship between digestion and circulation is that the substances absorbed by the walls of the small intestine are carried by the blood to the liver and the blood vessels that communicate with the small intestine and other abdominal organs with the liver are called "circulation portal hempatica ".
Fun Facts

  1. The detergent and the digestive system have in common that both contain proteases, amylases and lipases. In the digestive system, and as the name suggests, proteases are responsible for breaking proteins; amylases take care of carbohydrates and lipases, of fats.

The characteristics of the stomach vary from species to species. In fact, there are animals whose stomachs have several compartments; this is the case of cows, Giraffes and deer. On the other hand, there are other living beings (such as seahorses and platypus) that lack this organ, and the food they eat goes directly from the esophagus to the intestines.