viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

touch ;-) by marta labadía

                        the touch ;-)

I go to explein you of the touch, and then I put some questions.

1.the touch is one of the five sense

2.the skin is the organ of the touch

3.the skin have three parts the epidermis, the dermis, and the hipodermis

4.The sense of touch can feel temperatura.

5.The sense of touch is found mainly in the skin.
b)Wath is the organ of the touch?
c)wath are the three parts of the skin?

d) do you know now the 
the sense of the touch? 

e) how tells the video? 

f)do you like it my Work?                  

6.this is 1 of your sense but you have 4 sense more don´t worry.

by: marta labadia

                                   THE END


jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014



The  TONGUE is  the  organ of  taste.
Taste is a sensation  when  you get a food to the mouth reacts receptor cells on taste.

 The tongue is covered with thousands of small bumps callepapillae.

the  part  of  the  taste :  the  taste  buds.
the  taste  buds contain the receptors for taste.

Humans have taste receptors on taste buds.

Humans have taste receptors on taste buds.

the basic tastes contribute only partially to the sensation 

and flavor of food in the mouth 


               THE SMELL
Hello, today I am going to talk about the nose.
The smell is one of the sense that humans have.
The nose is the organ of smell. The human nose can percibe more than 10.000 different smellies. The receptor of the smell is in the pituitary gland that is inside the nortrils. We can smell good things like a perfume or bad things like rotten fish . Do you know that the snots are the smoke of the cars? 

  1. When we breath, the air passes to our nose. 
  2. Then the air goes down to our lungs.
  3. Later we expel the carbon dioxide with the mouth . 2                                                                    

  1. From out it has five parts: dorsum, tip, alae, nostril and columella.
  2. From inside it has five parts: oftaculary bulb, nasal cavity, nostril, hard palate and soft palate.
                          ANIMALS' NOSE
  • The dog nose smells more things that the human nose. And that is the reason why the dogs have the nostrils very big.
  • The African elephants can  smell  five times more than the human  and the double than the dogs.
  •  The elephants use their sense to look for food and to identify members of the family.
  •  A good use of the animals smell is to find food, companions and to avoid predators.
  •  Maybe that is the reason why the elephants have survived many years.

The smell

The nose is the organ of the smell. The receptors of smell are in the pituitary gland, inside the nostrils. With the nose we can smell different things, these are the parts of the nose:

  1. First you smell something;
  2. Your body responds to an odor by the nose;
  3. Your body tells if the smell is good or bad;
  4. Your body responds with a gesture by the type of smell. 

  1. Frontal sinus,
  2. Nasal septum,
  3. Lateral nasal cartilage,
  4. Greater alar cartilage,
  5. Pituitary gland,
  6. Nasal vestibule,
  7. Anterior nasal spine,
  8. Incisive canal,
  9. Oral cavity,
  10. Falx cerebri,
  11. Cribifom plate of ethmoid bone,
  12. Dura mater,
  13. Sella turcuca,
  14. Sphenoidal sinus,
  15. Choanae,
  16. Soft palate,
  17. Tongue.



The skin is the organ of touch.It is made up of tree layers:the epidermisthe dermis and the hipodermis

the dermis is a layer of skin between the epidermis and the hipoderis;the dermis funtion is to protect.

in vertebrates, is the outer layer of skin, the epidermis is the body's mostnt importa barrier to the hostile external environment. In humans, its thickness varies from a minimum of 0.1 mm on the eyelids, to a maximum of 1.5 mm on the palms of the hands.

It is the deepest skin compartment. The hypodermis has a variable thickness depending on your location. The main role of the hypodermis is to store energy reserves for the body. Protects the body from impacts and provides a thermal wrap.

the smell by patricia bauer


                                                 THE  SMELL
The nose  are the organ of the smell.

The nose have two receptors:
pituitary gland and


1. The air passes to the nose 

2. The air travels to the lungs 

3.  The oxygen stays in your body 

4.  The carbon dioxide out throght the nose

5. And carbon dioxide is left out 

                                 The parts 

the parts of a human nose
        The parts of the nose are :


miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014


The sight

the sight is one of the five senses that the humans have.
we can see things animals and other persons all around us.
the eye is the organ that allows the brain can see through the optic nerve.
we have two eyes and they are in the face.

the eye has: retina,choroid,optic nerve optic disc,vitreous body,
sclera,aqueous,lens,iris,cornea,ciliari body and pupil

iris: is the part with color of the eye, it filters the light that goes into the eye by the pupil.

lens: is the lens that focuses the light .

cornea: is out of the eye and protect it .

retina: is the part that allows to see colour and clear.

optic nerve:carries the images to the brain.

vitreous body: is a gelatinous liquid inside the eye
that makes the eye looks a balloon .

ciliary body: controls the aqueous for good function of the eye.

aqueous:is a liquid inside the eye that feeds to the cornea and cristalline lens.

The hearing by Balti

The hearing 

Today I’m going to talk about the ear.
The ear allows us to hear everyone and all the sound of our daily life that’s why the ear it’s so important
The outside of the ear are the ear itself and the ear canal.
The middle parts of the ear has the eardrum and the small bones.
The inner parts of the ear has the cochlea and the auditory nerve.
The outer parts receives the sound, then the middle ear changes sound into vibrations,
And then the inner ear changes vibrations into electric signals that give information to the brain
Without the ear you will live in a WORLD of silence.
So try to care your ear and remember,


martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

The 5 Senses and Beyond

Hey Kiddos!

This week we are talking about sight, touch, hearing, taste, and smell, but did you know we have way more than five senses!?! But today we won't talk about those funny other senses, let's talk about people who have SuperSenses! (like a superpower, but with your senses...)

Is yours?!
Some people have heightened senses of smell, hearing, taste, touch, and sight! That means that they have a much better ability to do these things than you and I can!

Did you know that some people can smell other people's feelings!

Meet Dave. Dave can smell Sadness! lol
Can you smell if someone is sad? I didn't know that people smelled differently when they were happy, but apparently they do! What do you smell like when you are scared?!

I bet you stink when you're angry...
You can hear a cool investigation they did with students about smelling emotions in the video below. Do you think you could identify the different emotions?

Also, some people have perfect pitch. That means that they can identify parts of music that other people cannot. Maybe that's why I'm not very good at singing. haha. :(

You know you do it too... Don't judge me!

He can hear allllll the beautiful sounds!
What about taste? Do you have the superpower of taste? Some professional chefs can identify all the ingredients in a soup!! Could you identify all the ingredients in Salmorejo or Gazpacho if you didn't know what it was made of?

Now, tell me, what is the secret ingredient!?
Mmm, now I'm hungry!!

Blind people also have a heightened sense of touch, mapping out someone's face, and reading with their fingers. They read books written in Braille and can notice very small differences in texture that most of us cannot!

This is how children who are sight-impaired (blind) read books. Pretty cool!!!
And this is my favorite! There are people who can see EXTRA colors!!! Some fish can see amazing colors that humans cannot see, but now some people are developing Super Sight! How amazing would it be if you could see a new color!

This is the Zebrafish. They can see more colors than humans can!!!
The new rainbow! (maybe how the Zebrafish sees the world!)
Well, that is all for me guys! I hope you enjoyed my article!

See you next time,

Vocabulary underlined and in italics:

heightened - mayor
apparently - al parecer
identify - identificar
pitch - el tono
blind - ciego
mapping - cartografiar
texture - textura

Where did all my information come from?
These websites:

sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014

How to work in Blogger

Hi again students!

Here you have the video I promised. You can watch it at home.
I explain how to work in Blogger and how you can attach a picture or a video on your posts.

Hope you like it!

See you in class!

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014



I wish u can enjoy working here...But first, here is the video explaining how to create a Gmail account, if u need to watch it at home, u can!